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CMMS Implementation Survey Results - 2000
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CMMS Implementation Survey Results - 2000

Ó Plant Maintenance Resource Center


This survey of CMMS Implementation was conducted on the Plant Maintenance Resource Center website between June and August 2000. Read the entire analysis, or click on one of the links below to go to the appropriate section.

Summary of Key Findings

Voluntary (and confidential) responses were sought to the survey, and 87 valid responses were received from a wide range of individuals working across a variety of industries.

The key findings are:

  • Most respondents reported some or significant benefits as a result of their CMMS implementation, however a significant proportion (between 20 and 40%) of respondents either were unable to identify any benefits, or reported no benefits.
  • Overall, a significant 20% of respondents rated their CMMS implementation as poor.
  • Overall, it would appear that conducting BPR seems to increase the chances of successful implemenation - although, on its own, still not increasing the chance of success above 50%.
  • Statistical analysis of responses showed no clear correlation between the conduct of other usual change management activities associated with CMMS implementation, and the perception of implementation success
  • However, the factors stated by respondents as being important were obtaining management committment, selecting the correct CMMS, and effective training.
  • In contrast, those currently considering replacing or upgrading their CMMS place a far higher emphasis on selecting the correct CMMS, and do not consider training to be an important implementation issue.
  • The most common CMMS in use by respondents were Maximo, MP2, SAP and MIMS.
  • Most CMMS were seen as being relatively easy to use, with the exception of SAP. SAP was also considered by some, to be functionally poor.
  • In terms of the perception of success, Maximo implementations were generally seen as successful, while SAP users were divided - it appears that you either love SAP or hate it.

Respondent Data

Of the 87 valid responses, just over half were based in the USA, with Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom also well represented.

Country Responses % of Total
United States4855.2%
United Kingdom44.6%
New Zealand22.3%
South Africa22.3%
Other/Not Specified910.3%

Respondents came from a wide range of industries.

Industry Responses % of Total
Manufacturing: Other1517.2%
Manufacturing-Metal products1011.5%
Manufacturing-Food, beverages, tobacco78.0%
Utilities-Electricity Generation78.0%
Manufacturing-Petroleum refining, chemicals and associated products55.7%
Manufacturing-Wood and paper products55.7%
Oil and Gas-Oil and gas extraction55.7%
Manufacturing-Machinery and equipment44.6%
Services-Property services/Building Maintenance22.3%
Manufacturing-Non-metallic mineral processing11.1%
Mining-Metal ore11.1%
Services: Research & Development11.1%
Utilities-Electricity Transmission and Distribution11.1%
Utilities-Water, sewerage, drainage11.1%
Other/Not Specified1517.2%

Maintenance line management positions and Maintenance Engineering positions were well represented in the survey.

Position Responses % of Total
Maintenance Manager/Superintendent 24 27.6%
Maintenance Foreman/Supervisor 12 13.8%
Maintenance Planner 9 10.3%
Plant/Maintenance Engineer 9 10.3%
Reliability Engineer 3 3.4%
CEO/Managing Director 3 3.4%
Maintenance Contract Manager 2 2.3%
Product Support Manager 2 2.3%
Software Support Manager 2 2.3%
Software Support Professional 2 2.3%
Consulting Engineer 2 2.3%
Maintenance Crafts/Tradesperson 1 1.1%
Maintenance Technician 1 1.1%
Process/Industrial Engineer 1 1.1%
Software Support Technician 1 1.1%
Management Consultant 1 1.1%
Other/Not Specified 12 13.8%

Respondents generally came from larger and medium sized organisations.

No of Trades/Craftspeople Responses % of Total
Large(more than 100 crafts/tradespeople)4147.1%
Medium(10 to 100 crafts/tradespeople)3034.5%
Small(less than 10 crafts/tradespeople)1011.5%

Detailed Results

Full statistical survey results can be viewed
here. This article focuses on some of the more interesting results, and also reviews the correlation between some of the survey results in order to determine what factors (if any) are more likely to lead to successful CMMS Implementation.

CMMS usage

Almost 90% of respondents are currently using a CMMS.

Does your workplace currently use a CMMS?
  Responses % of Total
Yes 78 89.7%
No 9 10.3%

The most common CMMS in use include Maximo, SAP, MP2, and MIMS.

Which CMMS does your workplace currently use?
CMMS Responses % of Total
Developed in-house11.1%
Insight Plant Maintenance System11.1%
Maintain it11.1%
Maintenance Manager11.1%
Maintenance Tracker11.1%
Marcam PRISM11.1%
OCS Materials Management11.1%
PM Plus11.1%
Other/Not Specified89.2%

Most systems have been in place only for a few years.

How long ago did you "go live"?
Years Responses % of Total
In progress910.3%
<1 year1213.8%
1-2 years2023.0%
2-3 years910.3%
3-4 years55.7%
>4-5 years1011.5%
>5 years1416.1%

Reasons for selecting and implementing a CMMS

Many CMMS Implementations were conducted with the expectation that they would lead to improved maintenance performance. However, there were also many other reasons for implementing a CMMS.

What was the main reason that your workplace changed CMMS, or implemented a new CMMS?
Reason Responses % of Total
To improve maintenance performance 25 28.7%
Improved functionality and features 16 18.4%
To integrate the Maintenance system with other systems 9 10.3%
Don't know 8 9.2%
Year 2000 compliance problems 7 8.0%
Vendor no longer supported our old CMMS 2 2.3%
To comply with company standards 2 2.3%
To use newer technology 1 1.1%
Other 7 8.0%

A large proportion of respondents were not aware of the reasons for selection of the current CMMS.

What was the most/second most important reason that your workplace chose your current CMMS?
  Most Important Second Most Important
Reason Responses % of Total Responses % of Total
Availability of local support22.3%11.1%
Compatibility with previous CMMS software22.3%11.1%
Don't know2023.0%2326.4%
Ease of implementation11.1%55.7%
Ease of Use1112.6%89.2%
General functionality and features1618.4%1517.2%
Integration with other commercial software910.3%55.7%
Speed of system response11.1%11.1%

CMMS Comparison

Overall, CMMS are seen as being moderately easy to use, with Maximo rating highly, and SAP seen as being harder to use.

How would you rate your current CMMS in terms of its ease of use?
  No of Responses
CMMS Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Maximo 5 5 3 3  
MP2 1 3 4 2 1
SAP   4 2 1 5
MIMS   1 2 1 1
Other 4 8 14 6 3
Total 10 21 25 13 10

Most CMMS are seen as being well endowed with functionality and features, although again, SAP rates poorly according to some.

How would you rate your current CMMS in terms of its general features and functionality?
  No of Responses
CMMS Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Maximo 5 5   3 1
MP2 1 4   2 1
SAP 2 3     6
MIMS   4   1  
Other 5 9   3 6
Total 13 25   9 14

Maximo implementations are generally seen as successful, while SAP users either love it, or hate it. Overall, a significant 20% of respondents rated their implementation as poor.

Overall, how would you rate the success of your CMMS implementation?
  No of Responses
CMMS Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Maximo 1 8 3 2 2
MP2 1 2 4 2 2
SAP 3 3   1 5
MIMS     3   2
Other 2 7 10 9 6
Total 7 20 20 14 17

Factors Influencing Implementation Success

If you look at the results for the question of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) impact on implementation success you see that of respondents that had conducted BPR 16 rated their success as Good to Excellent and 4 rated their success as Satisfactory to Poor. (4 to 1 ratio). If you compare that to respondents that did not conduct BPR where 25 rated Good to Excellent and 20 rated Satisfactory to Poor (5-4 ratio). This is a significant indicator that there was a larger percentage of dissatisfaction if BPR was not conducted, and so it could be said that BPR is a significant factor contributing to implementation success. On the other hand, if you look at the proportion of those who rated their implementation as Excellent or Very Good, compared with those who considered it Satisfactory or Poor, in both cases, the majority of respondents had not conducted BPR (13 of 23, ignoring the Don't Knows, and 20 of 24, respectively). This indicates that conducting BPR was not a significant factor in assisting with implementation success. Overall, however, it would appear that conducting BPR does seem to increase the chances of success - although, on its own, still not increasing the chance of success above 50%.

Impact of Business Process Reengineering on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
BPR Conducted? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 4 6 6 2 2
No 2 11 12 11 9
Don't Know 1 3 2 1 5
Total 7 20 20 14 16

Using consultants to assist with implementation also appears to have minimal influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Consultants on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Used Consultants? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 3 9 5 5 7
No 4 10 14 8 6
Don't Know   1 1 1 4
Total 7 20 20 14 17

Issuing regular newsletters during implementation also appears to have minimal influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Newsletters on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Issued Newsletters? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 4 2 5 3 8
No 2 14 15 11 4
Don't Know 1 3     4
Total 7 19 20 14 16

Performing regular face-to-face briefings during implementation appears to have a minor influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Face to Face Briefings on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Regular Briefings? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 5 13 12 9 6
No 1 5 8 4 7
Don't Know 1 2   1 4
Total 7 20 20 14 17

Establishing a help line during implementation appears to have a minor influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of a "Help Line" on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Help Line? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 4 10 12 6 9
No 2 6 10 8 4
Don't Know 1 2     3
Total 7 20 20 14 16

Conducting regular stakeholder analysis during implementation, although not often done, appears to have a positive influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Stakeholder Analysis on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Stakeholder Analysis? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 3 6 4 1 2
No 3 12 15 10 8
Don't Know 1 2 1 2 6
Total 7 20 20 13 16

Conducting Training Needs analysis as part of implementation appears to have a minor influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Training Needs Analysis on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Training Needs Analysis? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 5 9 11 6 4
No 1 9 9 7 7
Don't Know 1 1   1 5
Total 7 19 20 14 16

Conducting Worforce Culture Surveys as part of implementation appears to have no influence on the perception of implementation success.

Impact of Culture Surveys on Implementation Success
  How do you rate success of Implementation?
No of Responses
Culture Surveys? Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Yes 5 4 5 3 2
No 1 14 14 8 11
Don't Know 1 1 1 3 3
Total 7 19 20 14 16

According to the respondents, the most important factors in their success were obtaining Senior Management committment, and selecting the correct CMMS.

What do you consider are the two most important aspects of your implementation that led to your success?
Factor Most Important Second Most Important Total
Senior Management commitment111324
Choosing the right CMMS13619
Effective training5813
Focus on business benefits8513
Adequate budget3710
Effective Change Management6410
Effective Project Management5510
CMMS Vendor Support527
Effective BPR347
Consultant support145

Furthermore, the most important area in which respondents wished they had done better was in the area of training.

In hindsight, what is the most important aspect of your implementation that you should have spent more time and effort on, in order to increase implementation success?
Factor Responses Percent
Effective training2124.1%
Choosing the right CMMS1719.5%
Senior Management commitment89.2%
Effective BPR89.2%
Effective Change Management66.9%
Effective Project Management55.7%
Adequate budget33.4%
Focus on business benefits33.4%
CMMS Vendor Support11.1%

In comparison, those currently considering implementing a new CMMS place far greater importance on CMMS selection. Effective Training is not considered to be at all important.

What do you consider will be the most important aspect of your implementation that will lead to success?
Factor Most Important Second Most Important Total
Choosing the right CMMS9312
Senior Management commitment235
Effective Change Management235
Effective Project Management213

Benefits obtained from CMMS Implementation

Overall, most respondents reported that their CMMS implementation has led to some or significant benefits. However a large proportion (between 20% and 40%) of respondents either reported achieving no business benefits from their CMMS implementations, or were unable to quantify benefits.
  Size of Benefits Obtained
% of Responses
Area of Benefit Significant Some None Don't Know
Reductions in Labor Costs 9.2% 37.9% 31.0% 11.5%
Reductions in Materials Costs 11.5% 43.7% 20.7% 13.8%
Reductions in Other Costs 10.3% 43.7% 20.7% 13.8%
Improved Equipment Availability 21.8% 33.3% 25.3% 9.2%
Improved Equipment Reliability 21.8% 35.6% 24.1% 8.0%
Improved Cost Control 44.8% 26.4% 16.1% 2.3%
Improved Maintenance History 46.0% 18.4% 23.0% 2.3%
Improved Maintenance Planning 32.2% 36.8% 18.4% 2.3%
Improved Maintenance Scheduling 31.0% 36.8% 18.4% 2.3%
Improved Maintenance Schedules 37.9% 32.2% 16.1% 2.3%
Improved Spare Parts Control 24.1% 37.9% 23.0% 4.6%

Amazingly, only 20% of organisations responding have attempted to formally quantify the benefits obtained from their CMMS implementation.

Has your workplace formally measured the benefits of your CMMS implementation?
  Responses % of Total
Yes 17 19.5%
No 51 58.6%
Don't Know 9 10.3%

Ó Plant Maintenance Resource Center 2000
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