Nut Plant Maintenance Resource Center
Add Conference/Event/Seminar Link Request
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To submit a request to add, delete, or modify a link on the conferences and events page, please fill in the form below.

To submit a request to add, delete, or modify a general link on the Plant Maintenance Resource Center website, please complete the form here.
To add a link for Maintenance-related software, please complete the form here.

New Link    Change to Existing Link    Delete Existing Link

Your private email address:

Note that this is a mandatory field, and allows me to contact you in the case of queries, but will not be made publicly available.

Organisation name (mandatory):

Organisation's URL:

Conference or event name (mandatory):

Event URL:

Event email address:

This is the email address that will appear on the page.

Note that either the event email address or the event URL (or both) must be submitted.

First day of the event (starting date - dd-mmm-yyyy - mandatory):

Last day of the event (closing date - dd-mmm-yyyy):

Location of the event:

Brief description of the event:

Please note that it may take from a few hours to a few days for me to update the pages. You will be notified via email once the changes have been made.

mailbox.gif - 0.3 KIf you have any questions, comments, problems or suggestions, please Mail me.

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Revised: Thursday, 08-Oct-2015 13:26:49 AEDT
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